4 Easy Ways To Use Your Phone More Productively

2 min readApr 4, 2021

Don’t just use it for entertainment.

Photo by Firmbee.com on Unsplash

Almost everyone has a smartphone nowadays. Especially those who still have a ton of years left in their lives. And while it can be fun to just mindlessly scroll for hours on end, it might be better to occasionally use it for more productive reasons.

In this list, I will name a few reasons I use my phone, other than killing time. If you have any more reasons I might've forgotten, let me know and you might even help someone else out. Enjoy.


One of the most productive things you can do is enriching your mind. Or simply said: learning. You can learn new skills such as programming, stock market trading, or photography for example.

You can also learn a new language on apps such as Duolingo, or you can even start a side hustle with only your phone.


One of the side hustles that can benefit you in your career is branding, and most likely, turning yourself into a brand. This can be for blogging, influencer marketing, or trying to create a clothing brand or other company.

The social platforms offer a huge array of ways to create a brand and get it out there. From TikTok to FaceBook, all of them have free options, and if your content is any good, you might be able to make a few bucks with it.


I don’t have a lot of experience with this, but you can, via socials, network with other like-minded people. You can join groups or chats in which people can learn from you, teach you, and simply talk to you.

Professional networking might be a bit harder, but still very much possible with just your phone. After all, LinkedIn has a phone app.

Side Hustles

There are a number of other side hustles that you can do from your phone. One of those is blogging. Sites like Medium offer money to those within the partner program. YouTube offers money to channels with more than 1000 subscribers, and if you put in the time, that is a very reachable number.

Go out there and look for what you can, and want to do, and don’t let numbers such as 1000 subscribers demotivate you.


These are just the tip of the iceberg of what you could do to use your phone productively. A few other noteworthy things are reading, listening to audio books, creating audio books, or simply watching education videos every once in a while.

Thank you for reading and have a wonderful day.




I occasionally write about programming. Follow me on Twitter @0xmbvissers